Saturday, January 21, 2017

Aloe vera as a Cancer,Health,Diabetes,Immune System,Skin care,Arthritis Pain Cure

Many Diseases cured by aloe vera.

Aloe Vera: An Ancient Superfood

Aloe Vera Benefits: Vitamins, Minerals and More
Aloe vera,75 active components to be exact. The naturally-occurring vitamins, minerals and amino acids in the plant are necessary for good health.

Aloe vera includes many necessary vitamins: A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12.
Vitamins A, C and E are antioxidants and help fend off free radicals which can contribute to cancer, heart disease and other illnesses.

Vitamin A
Integral for a strong immune system and bone growth. It helps fight off viral or bacterial threats to the body.

Vitamin C
A powerhouse vitamin that is believed to protect against cancer and cardiovascular problems. It also supports the immune system.

Vitamin E
May protect against heart disease while promoting a strong immune system.

B1 Vitamin
Also known as thiamine, B1 plays a role in digestion and contributes to a healthy nervous and immune system.

B2 Vitamin
Goes by the name riboflavin and works as an antioxidant. B12, like other B vitamins, provides the body with energy by creating fuel from food. It also plays an important role in maintaining a strong nervous system.

B3 Vitamin
Also known as niacin, B3 vitamins are used to treat high cholesterol, migraines and diabetes. It’s also used to cleanse the body of toxins and promote good digestion.

B6 Vitamin
Important to many of the body’s systems, including immune, cardiovascular and digestive. The vitamin is also connected to the serotonin and dopamine process.

B12 Vitamin
Primarily found in animal products, B12 is necessary for healthy blood cells and helps make DNA.

Famous for its role in strong bones, calcium is also vital to the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Often discussed as a negative mineral, sodium is essential to blood pressure, muscles and nerves.

Makes up blood cells and proteins in the body. It’s necessary for energy.

This mineral has a big job; it’s necessary for hundreds of processes in the body, including blood glucose regulation and keeping the immune system strong.

Helps clean cells out, protects blood vessels and is thought to help lower the risk of heart disease.

Needed for growth and general health. This mineral helps maintain healthy heart function and is thought to help prevent osteoporosis.

Aloe contains 12 organic compounds called anthraquinones. Aloin, which causes a laxative effect, and emodin help with pain relief and work as antibacterial and antiviral agents. Anthraquinones are often removed from commercial aloe products.

Aloe vera contains a unique type of sugar called Acemannan. The polysaccharide is believed to have antiviral properties, ease gastrointestinal problems and stimulate the immune system.

Fatty Acids
Aloe vera consists of four plant-based fatty acids which are shown to have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic qualities. The acids also contain pain-relieving components.
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), aloe vera contains 20 amino acids, seven of which are essential.

The plant also has hormones that aid in wound healing and seven enzymes.

1. Skin Care

The NIH says aloe vera is “possibly effective” for several skin ailments, including cold sores, psoriasis and itchy rashes on the skin or mouth. And although it’s most commonly used for sunburns, research hasn’t shown that it reduces redness. Most people use the gel for its natural cooling effect on the skin.
Although studies haven’t proven the gel can prevent burns from radiation therapy, some research has shown it can promote faster healing after treatment.

2. Aids in Digestion
Aloe vera is famous in natural health as a digestion aid.
Aloe is chock full of antioxidants which promote a strong immune system and the polysaccharides also have anti-inflammatory qualities. Some people use aloe to help with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcers and to detoxify the intestinal track.
Those suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease, commonly known as GERD may also be in luck. Some people use aloe vera to reduce the symptoms from damaged tissues caused by the disease.

3. Provides Pain Relief
Aloe vera’s anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities may be helpful in relieving muscle and tendon pain. The gel is sometimes used topically in sports medicine to soothe achy muscles, but taken orally, the anti-inflammatory ingredients may also help with pain.
To note that, If you’re using aloe vera to reduce inflammation, you should also rebalance your diet. By eliminating unhealthy foods, the aloe vera has a better chance of working.

4. Lowers Cholesterol
A few studies have indicated that aloe can play a role in lowering cholesterol. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), daily intake of 10 ml or 20 ml of aloe for 3 months was shown to reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol by 18 percent and total cholesterol by 15 percent.

5. Relieves Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is a chronic condition in which joints are inflamed causing pain and stiffness. Aloe vera contains several enzymes and amino acids that are known to have anti-inflammatory qualities. Evidence is limited, but some people take aloe vera gel orally to ease the pain of arthritis.
Morrow says many people are turned off by the tangy flavor, but there are ways to make it more palatable.
             Mix aloe gel with water
             Use it as an ingredient in a smoothie
             Soak in purified water for 10 minutes

6. Diabetes Treatment
There are several ways aloe vera may help those suffering from diabetes. Some research has demonstrated aloe vera’s ability to lower blood glucose levels. However, the NIH warns that combining glucose-lowering medication with aloe vera can have harmful effects.
People with Type 2 diabetes may also look to aloe as a way to lower excessive amounts of fat in the blood.
Aloe’s ability to heal wounds faster may also benefit people with diabetes who have suffered from ulcers or wounds on their legs.

7. Strengthens Immune System the
Aloe’s ability to detoxify helps keep the immune system in check. The body has a much better chance at fighting off illness and infection if as many nutrients as possible can make their way into the bloodstream.
Polysaccharides are the primary component of aloe vera gel. These compounds, which are found in plants, create the thick quality of the gel.
The antioxidants that are present in the gel ward off free radicals which negatively impact immunity.

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